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What is EMMO?

Employee happiness is the basic ingredient for a vital company culture – EMMO helps to make deeper sense of digital conversations and recommends actions to keep the happiness factor high.



Why do I need EMMO?

​You want to make a positive impact on your organization culture and make data driven decisions. 

  • Digital conversations in any form are full of valuable information. You want to leverage these to do more fundamental and people focused business decisions to positively impact a happy organisation culture. 

  • A human with it's intelligent brain can follow one deep conversation at a time - EMMO can capture and make deep sense in real time of all conversation (text/voice/Video) going on in all your internal and external communication channels. 

  • EMMO is not as intelligent as a human. But it's signals based on extracted key information, dashboards, forecasts and recommendations provide you with a new type of insights and additional layer of information to keep the happiness factor up. 

  • You understand that business is done by people and not robots. EMMO shares your winner mindset and helps to better understand the soft factors behind the numbers.

  • You put the human factor first, emotion and empathy are core values to your company. EMMO comes with a virtual assistant named «Fred», who supports with intelligent recommendations on how to keep the positive vibe up and which areas might need your attention. 

  • You are ready to unlock the potential of latest AI technologies to make better business decisions. EMMO makes deep sense of digital conversations and detects the real emotional pulse of your team, company or customers and le’ts your understand, what’s relevant for them.  


We believe that a happy workplace is a better workplace.

Happiness Index.PNG


Hi Paul! 

We just detected a happiness breakdown in the HR department?


Should we order ice cream?

You need EMMO because you want to:

How does EMMO help me?

EMMO captures and makes deep sense in real time of all conversation (text/voice/Video)
going on in all your internal and external communication channels.

  • Would you like to understand what impact of a new management decision had on the happiness of your employees to learn and adopt?

  • Would you like to understand how happy your customers are, beeing served in your different different digital channels, so you can ensure customer happiness?

  • Would you like to learn, which day of the week is the unhappiest, so you can organize ice cream or invite everyone for a team lunch to keep the mood up?

  • Would you like to understand which IT support agent is making your employees happy the mostso you can award the person.

  • What if you could understand which HR topics are heavily discussed, so you could post more information in the intranet ti support employees?

What does EMMO offer to me?


Your central cockpit into your companies feelings and 

Mobile App

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To make deep sense of the conversation, the content is analyzed with the help of the latest Artificial Intelligence Technologies


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.


Conversations of various sources are collecteds data from various online and offline sources and helps to keep the data fresh.

Keywords and Trends

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How does EMMO respect my Privacy?

Resilient Azure Cloud Infrastructure

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Data Anonymization

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Data Lifecycle

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Your Data stays your data

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Data Encyption

Data is safely collected according to API Data Contract. Stored and even encrypted while processing and data retention period.

API Data Contract

A Digital Data Contract regulates the data processed by EMMO and it's LifeCycle. 

Blockchain POE

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Raw Text Data

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Code of Conduct: Ethics in AI

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Edge Computing

All system components can theoretically run in a containzerized Environemt on Azure Stack HCI. 

Secure Backup in Swiss Fort Knox

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Custom API

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Conversation Analytics - Azure - Keyword

Key Features 

Conversation Capture

Enterprises are communicating in a wide range of internal and external digital channels. EMMO easily connects to them all and starts to listen to conversations for further analysis. Conversations include text, spoken and video formats, so we are not limited to text and broke the language barrier. Modern and cloud based real time data processing technologies are making sure your conversations are safely collected, stored and even encrypted while processing and data retention period. Our service is running fully on Microsoft Azure and is available in any Azure region worldwide, default is Switzerland, as this is a well trusted global data storage location. On customer rewuest, we even save data to teh blockchaon. 

Conversation Classifier

Tihis is bwhere the magic actually happens. To make deep sense of the conversation, the content is analyzed with the help of Artifcial Intelligence Technologies like Microsoft Cogntive Services, Azure Machone Learning, Azure Eventgrid, Micorosft Graph-ä- for the following criterias: Sentiment, Keywords Extraction, Entity Extraction, Personalization, 

Action recommender

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


Conversation Sources

One of EMMO's biggest sophistications is the open, event driven data aggregation platform. Thanks to our secure, resilient and scalable cloud infrastructure, large amounts of conversations can be processed and classified in nearly real time or scheduled batch processing.


EMMO can aggregate conversations from any digital system from online and offline sources. Either conversations are pushed to our API by you, or we pull the data from your service into EMMO. Typical our customers are analyzing conversations from the following services:


Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft SharePoint 

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Microsoft Yammer

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Microsoft Dataverse

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Raw Text Data

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Microsoft Dynamics 365

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Microsoft Task 

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Custom API

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What Customers are Saying

We love our customers. We share a common mindset about the importance of a good workplace culture and it's positive impact on well performing teams and companies.  

“I love the weekly happiness index summary provided to me by EMMO. It helps me to better feel the company pulse and understand the impact of decisions made”

“EMMO gives me a real emotion based feedback on our customers happiness. That helps us to set my priorities in the account management right.”

“The negative conversation alarm helps me to take actions, when our company is swamped by work and facing potential stressful situations. This is where I jump in and try to overcome difficulties.”

Joan Marks


Raymond Souza

Account Manager

Maggie Stalk

Feelgood Manager


Be in Touch

We want to hear from you!


Tel: +41 76 390 23 17

Bear Intelligence LLC, Wehrstrasse 19, 3203 Mühleberg, Switzerland

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Conversation Sources

One of EMMO's biggest sophistications is the open, event driven data aggregation engine. Thanks to our secure, resilient and scalable cloud infrastructure, large amounts of conversations can be processed and classified in nearly real time or scheduled batch processing.


EMMO can aggregate conversations from any digital system from online and offline sources. Either conversations are pushed to our API by you, or we pull the data from your service into EMMO. Typical our customers are analyzing conversations from the following services:


Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft SharePoint 

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Microsoft Yammer

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Microsoft Dataverse

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Raw Text Data

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Microsoft Dynamics 365

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Microsoft Task 

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Custom API

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